Oy vey, things you do when you should be doing something else...


Big waste of time ahead people...

     So I've just spent the last 15 minutes of my life, time I shan't get back anytime soon mind you, time I could have spent writing the next great American novel, time I could have spent cleaning my closet (oh that's rich), time I could have spent doing sit ups for my latest vice (see crack food du jour), or made a bucket of money on a phone sex line (I mean not that there's anything wrong with it, I just don't think I'm equipped with enough colorful adjectives and a superfluous level of sketchy verbs and all), instead I've been applying every cream in the book to my apparently pre-pubescent face which is well, just a wee past puberty people.  Make it stop!  I'm like a fourteen year old boy here people...
I have no shame...Exhibit A...
 Exhibit B...
Settle down people, I know my beauty is pretty much blinding you all right now, but I am seriously over the fact that I have more breakouts than all three of my kids put together...

And BTW...
I can't quit eating this food crack...whilst watching Tardy for the Party on Bravo, my fave channel...
Food crack recipe:  Garlic bagel chips topped with goat cheese.  I can not stop.  I actually googled fat content from my computer, because I was too lazy and somewhat terrified to actually look on said package which is in fact in the kitchen a mere 30 feet away, and I've gone in there like 18 times now to feed my face and have eaten at least half of some serious goat cheese...but somehow, I can't put this combo down...

Clearly there are about 800 other more pressing/worthy things I should be doing besides puttin zit cream on m'face, and filling m'belly with crack snacks, and finding out that Ms. Kim Zolciack is in fact preggers again...

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